Trimming keeps your birds safe. Nails to long can get caught in the cage and cause an expensive vet visit. Having a free flying bird is always a risk. If you choose to have your bird free flying, we have pointers that can ensure that your parrot stays as safe as possible. A modified trim may be what you are looking for. Different species of birds should have different wing trims, we customize each trim to each situation. Over grown beaks can keep your bird from eating. We trim your bird quickly and with the least amount of stress humanly possible.

Green Winged Macaw with Baby Wing Trim
How often should you have your bird trimmed? Depends on the type of bird and the molt cycle of that bird. Usually birds like cockatiels are trimmed 4-6 times a year. Larger birds can be less frequent, unless they are nail chewers. Nail chewers generally need a trim every 4-8 weeks depending on how sharp the caregiver can tolerate. Beaks are rarely trimmed, unless they are damaged or over grown.
Trimming is done by appointment, please call us to set up yours.