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Terrie with Green Winged Macaws
Maintaing your bird's happiness is of upmost importance to Kookaburra Bird Shop. Happy birds and happy humans live long lives together. It has always been our goal to help people with any of their bird's needs.
Parrots are long lived and most will outlive their owners. Ensuring that the bird and human both have a rewarding relationship is one of our many goals. It can be difficult as our lives are always changing.
Trimming keeps your birds safe. Nails to long can get caught in the cage and cause an expensive vet visit. Having a free flying bird is always a risk. If you choose to have your bird free flying, we have pointers that can ensure that your parrot stays as safe as possible. A modified trim may be what you are looking for. Different species of birds should have different wing trims, we customize each trim to each situation. Over grown beaks can keep your bird from eating. We trim your bird quickly and with the least amount of stress humanly possible.
Having a safe, clean place for your bird to stay while you are out of town can be a concern. Kookaburra Bird Shop has an easy location to find from many parts of town. We are conveniently located in Carrollton, Texas with easy access from the Dallas North Toll Road, the Georgebush Toll Road, I35, and SH121.
Sometimes the bird/human relationship needs some professional help. Our Avian Behaviorist have over 30 years of experience and have helped people with just about every behavior issue that can develop between bird and caregiver. We have several packages that can fit just about any budget. Bird training is not one stop shopping. Each situation is different. Our training isn't just for "unruly" birds, we offer trick training and other types of fun behavior modifications. All our training is based on positive reinforcement techniques and the belief that there are no bad birds. You will be amazed at how we can help you.